Andi Skinscribb, Painter and Tattoo Artist

Race:  Forest Gnome

Age:  Unknown

Alignment:  Lawful Neutral

Dwelling:  Small home with modest accommodations on the outskirts of the city, right along the forest edge.  Relics and rarities can be found thrown about on various shelves along with herbs, pigments, hides, bones, and other various tools.  Woodland creatures come and go, tasked with bringing smaller ingredients from the forest to Andi.  


Notable NPC

Andi abandoned their gnome clan in their adolescence, choosing the name Skinscribb while developing the art of tattooing.  Andi’s tattoos are unique in both color and power.  Great care is taken when mixing pigments as Andi can imbue magic in each design etched into the skin.  Similar to an artificer’s use of tools to channel arcane power, Andi’s tools allow them to scribe sigils of power.  

Self-taught, deciphering their magic abilities is extremely challenging.  Travelers that happen across Andi’s porch will find an old painter.  Andi rarely offers to tattoo those that have not specifically sought this service.

Those that seek Andi’s services undergo scrutiny to determine if worthy of Andi’s gift.  If Andi deems you worthy, Andi determines what charm or blessing is granted.  Those that try to threaten Andi to gain services are either banished to another plane or cursed by the fresh ink scribed across the skin.  All customers are required to prove their worth by collecting uncommon and/or rare herbs needed to complete Andi’s magic.  This can be dangerous (intentionally so) and extremely pricy (in either gold or trade). 




Personality Trait:  Adventurers be warned!  Collect the ingredients requested and pay the fee without complaint as a curse can be placed as easily as a blessing.

Ideal:  Andi’s respect is earned; respect from others is demanded.

Bond:  Andi’s tools and art is sacred and not to be threatened.

Flaw:  Once respect has been lost, it is impossible to earn back.



sigils of power examples

The Fighter:  Gain a +2 bonus on initiative rolls.

The Dancer:  Gain +2 to DEX.

The Nurturer:  Gain advantage on Medicine checks and ability to cast Spare the Dying (PHB 277) once a day.

The Merchant:  Gain advantage on CHA checks related to negotiating prices or deals.

The Leader:  Gain the ability to grant a Hit Die to a friendly creature as a bonus action.  The creature gains temporary hit points equal to the Hit Die roll.  Effect cannot be used if all Hit Die are expended for the day.

The Traveler:  Gain resistance to either fire or cold damage.  

The Seer:  Gain immunity to the Blinded (PHB 290) condition.  

*For more ideas, check out Rune Magic in the Kobold Press volume Deep Magic 5e (Dillon, Lee, and Harris).*

Chilled One Surges



Icy Force

A sudden and intense blast of cold energy erupts from your body.

Each creature in a 10 ft. radius must make a CON saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature takes 3d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Good luck everyone!


As you feel your body growing colder, quite a feat as the cold has never quite left you, you suddenly black out.

Your body turns to solid ice for 1d10 rounds. You heal 1 HP each round you are ice. 

As you start to rapidly defrost and your vision begins to clear, you are disoriented.

New Bundle of Joy

As you release your spell, you are surprised by a flash of light and the cry of an infant.

You summon a baby frost troll in your arms causing you to instinctively drop whatever you were holding to catch the bundle of joy.

Congratulations, you have stolen… I mean summoned a baby!


Your spell takes the shape of two large hands, big enough to hold a minotaur!

Large, icy hands attempt the grasp a selected target.  The target must make a DEX saving throw against your spell save DC. If failed, the target is grappled.  If grappled at the end of their turn, they take 2d6 necrotic damage.  The target can attempt to break the grapple at the beginning of its next turn. 



Chilled One Wild Magic Surge Chart

Want the fun of a wild magic sorcerer, but want your surges to be catered to a unique character aspect? 
Take a look at our Chilled One surge chart.  This chart was created for a Wild Magic Sorcerer whose innate magic comes with icy forces of chaos.  Instead of using a generic wild magic surge chart, this effect table focuses on chilling effects in the form of cold damage, ice sculptures, and frosty appearances.


Click here for a downloadable chart.
01 – 02 For the next minute, 1d8 ice mephit(s) (MM 215) appear.  A DC 15 CHA check (Persuasion) will convince the creatures to listen to one command.   51 – 52 Large, icy hands attempt the grasp the target of the spell.  Target must make a DEX saving throw against your spell save DC.  If failed, the target is grappled.  If still grappled at the end of their turn, they take 2d6 necrotic damage.
03 – 04 The ground in a 30ft radius from you is suddenly covered in a thick layer of ice for the next 1d4 days.  All creatures in the area must make a DEX save against your spell save DC.  On a failed save, it falls prone.  Area becomes difficult terrain.   53 – 54 A sudden and intense blast of cold energy erupts from your body.  Each creature in a 10 ft. radius must make a CON saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature takes 3d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
05 – 06 Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls.   55 – 56 Up to three creatures you choose within 30 ft. of you take 2d8 cold damage.
07 – 08 Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue for 1d10 days.  Remove Curse will also end effect.   57 – 58 You create a small ice statue  (15 HP) of your likeness weighing approximately 5 lbs. 
09 – 10 You create a floating dagger, translucent like ice that deals 1d8 cold damage.  The summoned dagger can be controlled as if the spell Spiritual Weapon (PHB 278) was cast.   59 – 60 Your spell bursts into a swarm of icy butterflies that fill the area around you.  The butterflies dissolves into a droplet of water when they land.
11 – 12 There is a sudden coldness felt deep in your belly.  You can use your action to exhale destructive cold energy in a 15 ft. cone.   Creatures in cone must make a CON save against your spell save DC.  After breath weapon is used or one minute has passed, the effect ends.   61 – 62 Centered on you, all creatures within 40 ft radius are chilled to the bone almost as if they are freezing.  Each creature must make a CON save against your spell save DC.  In failed, the target’s speed is halved, it takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. Mimics the spell Slow (PHB 277).
13 – 14 You cast Chill Touch (PHB 221) at 11th level (3d8).   63 – 64 You cast Sleet Storm (PHB 276) centered on a target of your choice.
15 – 16 You turn into an ice statue (100 HP) for 1d10 rounds.  While a statue, you are incapacitated.  If you drop to 0 HP, your ice form shatters leaving you prone.  Remove Curse (PHB 271) will end effect early.   65 – 66 You project an icy image of the target’s worst fears. The target must succeed on a WIS saving throw or drop whatever it is holding and become frightened for 1 minute.  See rules for Fear (DMG 266).
17 – 18 Your spell leaps towards the sky/ceiling and summons a light flurry of snow that seems to follow you for the next 8 hours.   67 – 68 A target of your choice turns into an ice statue for 1d10 rounds.  Remove Curse will end effect early.
19 – 20 For the next 24 hours, you can see a faint blue mist around any creatures invisible to you.   69 – 70 You teleport to an icy mountain top until the end of your next turn, after which you return to the space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
21 – 22 2d6 of icy butterflies erupted from your hands and land on a target of your choosing.  Each butterfly deals 1 HP of necrotic damage to the target.  At the end of your next turn, each butterfly returns and heals you for 1 HP before disappearing.  The butterflies disappear if the target is immune to necrotic damage.   71 – 72 A wall of ice (6d10 HP) shoots up from the floor, surrounding you. Any creature occupying a space within melee range of you must make a DEX save against your spell save DC.  If failed, they are knocked prone. All creatures are pushed away from you.
22 – 23 For the next minute, the coldness that seems to permeate throughout your body disappears.  Until the effect ends, you lose your ability to cast spells that inflict cold damage.   73 – 74 For the next minute, you gain 5 HP at the end of your turn if you inflict cold damage during the round.
23 – 24 You are immune to cold damage for the next 1d20 days.   75 – 76 You cast Ice Storm (PHB 252) centered on a target of your choice.
25 – 26 All creatures in a 120 ft. radius have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast in the next minutes that involves a saving throw.   77 – 78 You summon a baby frost troll in your arms causing you to instinctively drop whatever you were holding to catch the bundle of joy. Congratulations, you have stolen a baby.
27 – 28 You create a small rose made from ice.   79 – 80 Blue lights dance above your head for the next minute.
29 – 30 A tiny bluebird springs forward and acts as your companion for the next 1d4 days.  You cannot be surprised while the bluebird follows you.    81 – 82 If you drop to 0 HP within the next minute, your body turns to solid ice for 1d10 rounds.  You heal 1 HP each round.  Remove Curse (PHB 271) will end effect early.
31 – 32 You can teleport up to 60 ft. to an unoccupied space of your choosing that you can see, leaving an icy statue (100 HP) of your exact likeness in your place.   83 – 84 The target of the spell becomes chilled to the bone, like you.  The target must make a CON save against your spell save DC.  If failed, the target is unable to move until the end of your next turn.
33 – 34 Your skin turns invisible for the next 10 minutes.  This effect does not extend to equipment or clothing worn.   85 – 86 You create a small statue (15 HP) of your target’s likeness weighing approximately 5 lbs.
35 – 36 Your throat becomes so sore you are not able to speak for the next 8 hours.   87 – 88 You are surrounded by a cold gust wind for the next minute.  You have disadvantage on WIS (Perception) skill checks.
37 – 38 You gain the ability to cast Misty Step (PHB 260) at will for the next minute without using a spell slot.   89 – 90 You successfully cast your spell and can take an additional action immediately.
39 – 40 DM decides.   91 – 92 Your spell turns into a snowball which deals no damage. 
41 – 42 Your spell twins, hitting an additional target of your choice.   93 – 94 You regain all expended your sorcery points.
43 – 44 You trade places with the target of the spell.  The target is now occupying the space you were occupying and vice versa.   95 – 96 Your spell leaps towards the sky/ceiling and summons a light flurry of snow that seems to follow your target for the next 8 hours.
45 – 46 A target of your choice teleports to an icy mountain top until the end of your next turn, after which the target returns to the space previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.   97 – 98 Your spell hits the ground, causing ice crystals to form in a 20 ft. radius around you.  Area becomes difficult terrain for the next 1d8 hours.
47 – 48 A frosted shield forms in front of you.  You gain +2 AC for the next minute.   99 – 00 While you cannot see it, a spectral, icy figure looms behind you.  You have advantage on CHA (Intimidation and Persuasion) checks for the next 1d6 days.
49 – 50 For the next minute, all spells cast do max damage.  

Vash, Death Cleric

Race:  Kalashtar

Initial Ability Scores (Point Buy):  STR 11, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 10

Attack Style:  Two-handed weapon fighting with finesse/light weapons.

Background: Haunted One


Backstory Clip


Vash the Death Cleric
Vash the Death Cleric

When I was 18, I watched my village get slaughtered by a monster known as a weeping wolf. Paralyzed in fear, I watched this monster grow bigger and stronger as it destroyed everyone.

When I was the last one left, I could do nothing but watch as it advanced towards me – now much larger than when the attack started. As it stood over me, a chill shot through my body. In a flash, the creature transformed into an amulet of Shar, goddess of darkness and loss. I do not know why I was spared, but I collapsed after the fear left my body. That was the last time I experienced blissful darkness when I slept.

When I woke up, I was surrounded by the soulless bodies of my village. Pale faces with empty eyes. Sadly, their bodies were not dead. No, it took several days for each one of them to stop breathing.  All I could do was watch in despair as everyone slowly perished.  

I began wondering after I watched everyone in my village die slowly. That event left a darkness in me, a darkness that haunts my dreams every night. As if the goddess’ sense of humor was not enough, I now see the weeping wolf any time I tap into the divine energy I have come to recognize as Shar. I am convinced Shar wants this darkness to take over, but I fight it. I try to remember life before the attack by focusing on the lives of those I now have around me. 




Personality Traits:  I have a hard time trusting others, especially the Gods.

Ideals:  I kill monsters to exorcise my own demons. 

Bonds:  There’s evil in me, I can feel it. I fear it might overtake me.

Flaws:  I sometimes hesitate using my divine abilities due to the weeping wolf spirit that haunts me.